For wellness entrepreneurs
If you want
greater clarity in aligning your business strategy to your personal brand, increased confidence that you’re doing the right things to drive to your goals and a focused and intentional approach to doing this- then you’re in the right place.
I work with driven business owners in the wellness space who are ready to unlock their next level of success but unclear on how to do that. I’ll take the role of your personal brand strategist, marketing consultant and guide.
I’ll meet you where you are
All of my services are designed to give you immediate and fast results so that you can focus on your business and serve more people. Often my clients reduce the amount of marketing activities they’re engaged in to create focus and increase effectiveness and impact.
My work = your success
Sanity Check - marketing audit and quick fixes
Designed to give you immediate value. I’ll give you direct and actionable feedback and guidance on your digital presence and activities. If you feel you’re creating really great content, are clear on your target client and have a fully functioning marketing plan but aren’t getting the results you want- this is for you.
What you’ll get:
Full audit of your website, social media and digital content for quick fixes
Clear direction and insight on what's working and what's not and how to adjust to make it work with the goal of attracting more clients
Feedback on opportunities to optimize your personal brand across all digital assets
How we’ll work together:
We’ll start with a 30 min live intake call
You’ll receive a full write up of findings and recommendations
Then we’ll have a 30 min follow up call to ask me questions live
I’ll record all calls for you
2. Realign and Focus - your marketing plan to drive GROWTH
If you’ve been actively marketing but aren’t sure if your message is “right” or the things you’ve been doing are the “right” things for your business, I’ll help you to get clear on your vision and the activities to fulfill upon it.
We’ll work together in strategic consulting sessions to get you clear and confident with an action plan that feels good and is designed to help you reach more of the right clients.
We’ll work on your message, target client profile, which social media channels to be, what type of content to create, events to attend and potentially host and the packaging of your services. The goal- reach, attract and retain the type of clients that light you up and drive business profitability.
What you’ll get:
1:1 consultative guidance and strategic expert advice
A clear action plan to implement for your marketing activities including what to stop, start and adjust
Identified future opportunities to amp up your marketing to accelerate results
Honest answers to all your marketing questions on what actually works vs. what are trends not worth pursuing
We’ll cover everything from your message, brand promise, website, social media, prospect experience, packaging of your offers and ways to attract more clients
How we’ll work together:
3x 60 min consulting calls - recorded for you to refer back to
A written actionable and accessible marketing plan personalized to your goals, strengths and stage of business growth
3. Make it your BEST YEAR yet
If you want an expert on call to validate your actions, give you strategic ongoing guidance and feedback on how to adjust your plan this is for you.
Every month we’ll look at your marketing activities, I’ll give expert feedback to any challenges you’re facing, direction on what to do next, coaching if you get stuck and recommendations on how to continue to align your efforts with your business goals for the year.
Let’s get started.
Ready to grow your business and increase your impact?
Fill out the form below
I’ll contact you within 24 hrs to schedule a call
We’ll do a 15 min video call to confirm we’re a match
We’ll get to work within the week
You’ll align your marketing to attract more of your ideal clients
“Candice helps you amplify your message and connect to your tribe.”
“Working with Candice was an incredible, immersive experience that fostered clarity and focus, upped my creative game and unlocked the door to finding people I can best serve. Thank you.”
“Candice has a gift of knowing what message is really going to resonate in any strategic campaign she creates.”
If you’re a wealth management firm head over HERE to work together.